Ulysses S Grant (Union)

general ulysses s grant

General Ulysses S Grant holds the number on position on our Top 10 list of US Civil War Generals. Here is a micro biography of this great General and president of the United States of America.

General Ulysses S. Grant

Ulysses S. Grant was one of the most important figures in American history. Born on April 27, 1822 in Point Pleasant, Ohio, he was the son of a tanner and grew up in a small town along the Ohio River. As a child, he was nicknamed “Hercules” for his strength and athleticism, and he was known for his love of horses.

Grant as West Point Graduate

Grant attended the U.S. Military Academy at West Point and, after graduation, was sent to fight in the Mexican-American War. He quickly gained a reputation as a brave and capable soldier, and his leadership on the battlefield earned him the respect of his fellow officers. After the war, however, Grant struggled to find success in civilian life and worked a variety of jobs, including farming and real estate.

It was the outbreak of the Civil War that would bring Grant back into the military and eventually to the presidency. He was made the commander of the Union army and quickly became known for his strategic brilliance and relentless pursuit of victory. He led the Union to several important victories, including the Battle of Shiloh, the Siege of Vicksburg, and the Battle of Chattanooga, and he was eventually appointed as General-in-Chief of the army by President Lincoln.

Ulysses S Grant becomes President

After the Civil War, Grant was elected as the 18th President of the United States and served two terms in office. He worked to rebuild the country after the war and promote civil rights, signing into law the 15th Amendment, which gave African American men the right to vote. He also made significant efforts to improve the economy, reduce corruption, and promote education, helping to create the Department of Education.

Despite his many accomplishments, Grant’s presidency was not without controversy. He was criticized for his handling of the economy, and his administration was plagued by scandal and corruption. Nevertheless, Grant remained a beloved figure in American history, known for his humble and modest personality and his tireless devotion to his country.

After leaving the presidency, Grant embarked on a world tour, visiting countries such as Japan, India, and Egypt. He also wrote his memoirs, which are considered one of the greatest works of American military history. He was a strong advocate for veterans and worked tirelessly to support them, until his death from cancer on July 23, 1885 at the age of 63.

Today, Ulysses S. Grant is remembered as one of the greatest military commanders in American history, a president who worked to promote civil rights and rebuild the country after the Civil War, and a man of humble and modest character. His legacy lives on through his writings, the monuments that honor his memory, and the countless people who continue to be inspired by his example.

Here are the resources for Civil War Generals for this micro biography.